Now, with two operators per Stripper Machine, commercial gardens are routinely processing upwards of 12 wet pounds per hour, day in and day our. That's about 80% faster than by hand and much easier too!
Don't be fooled by low quality, over-seas imitaion that don't have the power of the trimming ability that the Stripper has. Every garden we've dealt with that's tried cheaper machines has either sold them, or thrown them out to buy more Stripper Machines.
All Stripper Machines now come complete with stainless steel stands and a heavy-duty leaf collection bag, perfect for recreational growers required to weigh their materials.
High-suction integral fan and blade design pulls leaves into the machine for faster/closer cutting. Saves 80% the work and time of hand leafing.
All stainless design, easier cleaning without product contamination. Included bag system makes leaf collection fast and easy.
Professional quality and durability, made in the USA. Won’t let you down halfway through your job.