Screens For Extraction Contraption | 150 -125 - 100 - 75 MICRON ** SCREEN ONLY**
-150 Micron (Standard Stock Screen) : Official Extraction Contraption 150 micron screen. These screen are made of durable material that can withstand sustained sub-zero temperatures associated with the extraction process.
-125 micron screen: These screen are made of durable material that can withstand sustained sub-zero temperatures associated with the extraction process. Official Extraction Contraption 125 micron screen.
-100 Micron: Official Extraction Contraption 100 micron screen. These screen are made of durable material that can withstand sustained sub-zero temperatures associated with the extraction process.
-75 Micron: Official Extraction Contraption 75 micron screen. These screen are made of durable material that can withstand sustained sub-zero temperatures associated with the extraction process.