The Futurola Venturi is a great to brand your own label on the new Futurola Child Resistant cone lock tubes.
The Futurola Venturi Revolutionizes the way you apply branding and product information to Pre-Rolled cones and Cartridges. Simply Wap a Shrink-Sleeve around one of our new certified Child-Resistant cone lock tubes. Then, drop it through Venturi's Patent-Pending Steam Cylinder to lock the Tamepr-Evident seal.
18MM STEAMER HEAD // compatible with CONE LOCK™ 1X TUBES, up to 18 MM in diameter
25MM STEAMER HEAD // compatible with CONE LOCK™ 2X TUBES, up to 25 MM in diameter
31MM STEAMER HEAD // compatible with CONE LOCK™ 3X TUBES, up to 31 MM in diameter
Unit includes:
Futurola Custom Shrink Sleeves are tamper-evident.
Futurola Cone Lock™ Tubes are certified child-resistant.