Please note. The extension package is designed to complement, not replace original machinery.
In an effort to make sure a high level of customer satisfaction is maintained by our customers, extension packages will only be sold to owners of original, complete machines.
TPH 512 Cone Filling Extension Package 3-xx is for shops who have delivery requirements in excess of 3-5,000 pre-rolls/day. The TPH 512 extension package includes a standby, secondary cradle to hold your plate & basket while you fill the plate w/ empty cones. In working with some of our larger industrial customers, we realized you really don’t need a secondary cradle every time you wish to expand your production capabilities. The TPH 512 Ext Package 3-xx comes with a basket and a single extension plate cut to the paper of your choice. This allows you to safely handle empty or full blunt plates without risk of damage to your pre-rolls. It helps keep costs down and keeps you from buying unescessary hardware to support your production line.
Plates offered at drop down. If you need a custom made cone plate contact us.